Dentists in Portugal, an insight view

Feb 05, 20248 mins read

This is an engaging and insightful content on the state of dental care in Portugal, it's important to delve into statistical analysis and trends. We will highlight the evolution of dentists per inhabitant over the years in Portugal, compare the density of dentists to other medical professionals, and provide additional intriguing facts.

Evolution of Dentists per Inhabitant in Portugal

Over recent years, Portugal has seen a notable increase in the number of dentists per inhabitant. This evolution reflects a growing emphasis on oral health and accessibility to dental care services across the country. For a detailed year-by-year analysis, Pordataoffers comprehensive data, showcasing the upward trajectory in the density of dental professionals.

Current Density of Dentists

As of the latest data, Portugal reports a significant density of dentists, with figures suggesting an alignment or surpassing of European averages in some instances. The precise number of dentists per 100,000 inhabitants can be explored further on Pordata’s website, where comparisons with past years illuminate the progress made within the dental sector.

Comparison with Other Medical Professionals

When comparing dentists to the broader spectrum of medical professionals in Portugal, a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare landscape emerges. Data from Pordata and INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística) reveal the ratios of various healthcare providers to the population, offering insights into the balance of medical services available to the Portuguese public.


Source: Pordata

Other Interesting Facts

Additional analysis can uncover fascinating trends and facts, such as the regional distribution of dentists across Portugal, the impact of dental care accessibility on public health, and how Portugal's dental care measures up in the broader European context. For further exploration of these topics, sources like Pordata and INE provide valuable datasets and reports.


Source: Pordata

Visual Data and Charts

For those interested in visual data representations, both Pordata and INE offer charts and tables that break down the statistics into easily digestible formats. These visuals can enhance understanding and engagement with the data, making complex trends and comparisons more accessible.


The evolution and current state of dental care in Portugal highlight the country's commitment to improving oral health services. By examining the increase in dentists per inhabitant, comparing the density with other medical professionals, and exploring additional engaging facts, we gain a comprehensive view of Portugal's healthcare landscape. For detailed statistics, authoritative analysis, and visual data, the links provided to Pordata and INE serve as excellent resources for deeper exploration.