
Orthodontics, a vital subspecialty of dental medicine, focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of dental misalignments and jaw irregularities.<br>The goal is to achieve a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality, ensuring a harmonious smile and correct bite.<br><br>Orthodontics is not exclusive to children or teenagers.


First Orthodontic Consultation: When to Schedule?

It is recommended that children be evaluated by an orthodontist around the ages of 6-7, coinciding with the eruption of the first permanent teeth. This initial consultation allows for the early identification of the need for corrections, enhancing the treatment results.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment: More than Aesthetics

  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Transforms the smile, significantly improving self-esteem and confidence, facilitating social interaction.

  • Dental Health: Correct alignment of teeth promotes more effective oral hygiene, reducing the risk of cavities and gum diseases.

  • Improved Functionality: Promotes efficient chewing, optimizing muscular and jaw joint function, translating into overall health benefits.

Causes of Orthodontic Problems: A Closer Look

Orthodontic problems can have hereditary origins, such as physical characteristics passed from parents to children, or be caused by environmental factors, such as persistent habits or specific health conditions. The combination of these factors demands a personalized approach to treatment.

Orthodontics for Adults: It's Never Too Late to Correct

Orthodontics is not exclusive to children or teenagers. Adults can also significantly benefit from orthodontic corrections, improving their quality of life and oral health.

Duration of Orthodontic Treatment: An Estimate

Orthodontic treatment generally varies in duration, with an average of 24 months. However, this period can adjust according to the complexity of the case and specific treatment objectives.

Special Care with Fixed Braces

Fixed braces require extra attention to oral hygiene to prevent the buildup of bacterial plaque. Brushing after each meal with appropriate products is recommended, ensuring the health of teeth and gums during treatment.

Sensation and Comfort with Orthodontic Braces

It is normal to experience some initial discomfort with orthodontic braces, especially after adjustments. However, this is temporary and usually resolves quickly.

Variety of Orthodontic Braces

There are various types of braces, both fixed and removable, designed to move teeth and jaws into the ideal position. The choice of braces depends on the individual needs of each patient.

Dental Movement: How Does It Work?

The braces apply gentle and constant forces, inducing bone remodeling around the teeth, allowing their movement into the desired alignment.

Playing Sports with Fixed Braces

It is possible to play sports wearing fixed braces, but for contact activities, the use of custom mouthguards is recommended to prevent injuries.

Orthodontic Specialists: Experience Makes the Difference

Just like in medicine, dental medicine has orthodontic specialists, professionals who have dedicated additional years of training to specialize in this complex and detailed area of dental care, ensuring more effective and personalized treatments.

Understanding Orthodontic or Dental Appliances

Orthodontic appliances, essential not just for aesthetics but for correcting malocclusions and functional problems, are key tools in orthodontics. They correct the alignment of teeth and the development of the jaws, operating similarly to an orthopedic device by reshaping bone and muscular structures for improved function.

Implementation of Orthodontic Treatment

The treatment is personalized, based on carefully applied forces by the appliances, gradually moving the teeth into the ideal position. The duration varies, typically from 12 to 36 months, depending on the complexity of the case.

Deciding on the Use of Braces

The need for braces is determined by a complete orthodontic evaluation, going beyond correcting crooked or spaced teeth. Orthodontic treatment encompasses improvements in phonation, breathing, chewing efficiency, and can prevent problems in the temporomandibular joint, alleviating headaches and other complications.

Appropriate Age for Orthodontic Treatment

The ideal age varies according to the anomaly to correct and the type of appliance. Removable appliances are common between ages 6 and 12, while fixed appliances are generally recommended from age 12, with no age limit for starting treatment.

Types of Orthodontic Appliances

  • Fixed Appliances: Used mainly in teenagers and adults, consist of brackets glued to the teeth, connected by a metal arch.
  • Removable Appliances: Indicated for children, these appliances offer less intense correction, adjustable for specific situations.
Variations of Fixed Appliances:
  • Self-Ligating: More comfortable and easier to clean, they reduce treatment time by promoting faster dental movement.
  • Aesthetic: Include transparent, porcelain, and sapphire braces, designed to be discreet and minimize visual impact during treatment.
  • Lingual: Placed on the inside of the teeth, they are practically invisible but can make hygiene more challenging.

After Treatment: The Importance of Retention

To maintain the results, retention devices are used after the removal of fixed appliances, preventing teeth from shifting while the bone stabilizes.

Invisalign: A Modern Alternative

Invisalignuses a series of transparent, digitally customized aligners that adjust the teeth progressively, offering a practically invisible and removable option for orthodontic correction.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Appliance

The final decision on the type of appliance, whether fixed or removable, aesthetic or conventional, depends on a detailed evaluation by the orthodontist, considering the specific needs of the patient, treatment objectives, and personal preferences regarding aesthetics and comfort.

Placement of Orthodontic Appliance: A Detailed Process

The placement of the appliance is done in stages, starting with the preparation of the teeth, followed by the application of brackets (or molds, in the case of Invisalign) and periodic adjustments to ensure treatment progress until the desired result is achieved.

Maintenance of Orthodontic Appliance: Essential Care

The success of orthodontic treatment depends not only on the technology of the appliances but crucially on oral hygiene care and proper maintenance. With an orthodontic appliance, attention to cleaning needs to be intensified, as the structures of the appliance can retain food residues and bacteria, increasing the risk of gingivitis and cavities.

How to Brush Teeth with Braces?

Effective brushing is vital for oral health, especially with fixed appliances. Use appropriate dental brushes and complement with fluoridated mouthwashes for a deep clean. For removable appliances, in addition to oral hygiene, it is important to clean the appliance separately, keeping it safe in its own box to avoid loss or damage.

Costs Associated with Orthodontic Treatment

The investment in orthodontic treatment varies significantly, influenced by the type of appliance, duration of treatment, and individual needs of the patient. Removable appliances tend to be more affordable, while aesthetic or technologically advanced options, like self-ligating or transparent ones, may represent a higher cost. Follow-up consultations and post-treatment retention devices also contribute to the total cost. A detailed evaluation by a specialized orthodontist is essential to establish a personalized treatment plan and inform about the costs involved.